Meet me, the woman in the chair obsessed with all things lashes

If I had known what the lash industry was going to give me, I would’ve started years ago - Connection, creativity outlet, & time freedom. This trio in my work life is unmatched.

I’m growing my work to include caring for and amplifying the beauty of every part of the face, but I chose to start with lashes because our eyes are the ways others connect with us.

Since graduating lash academy, I’ve been perfecting my practice with lash care and extensions, and have loved working with so many of my friends (I say friends, because at the end of your session, you’ll know too much).

My studio is located off Tyler St. in a beautiful space called ‘Our Wellness Community.’ Our doors are locked at all times. You’ll receive a message from me just before your appointment with the door code. I hope to meet so many more new faces and..

I can’t wait to meet YOU - Lynn